NSmarket, Top app, iCloud Push Приложения

Pushmail 1.1.1
NSmarket, Top app, iCloud Push
"Reachgood Mail" manage the email in the same way of "Outlook". Itsupports multi-lingual, such as English, Portuguese, Italian,French, Germany, Spanish, Korea, Japan, Chinese, Russian and etc.Itsupports backup and 2 points touching. You will be charged "SMS"cost if you recommend it to your friends by SMS.
iCloud-Push Manager,business 1.10
NSmarket, Top app, iCloud Push
Please note that this application is notsuitable for the individual user. This application is designed forbusiness users (Android hardware manufacturers, wholesalers ordistributors) to push information to their customers, such as apicture or video.This is "iCloud-Push Manager". To use the iCloud-Push system,you must install "iCloud-Push Client". Pls search "iCloud Client"in the Play Store and install it.***Important***: After you install "iCloud-Push Client" and"iCloud-Push Manager", pls send an email to iCloudPush01@gmail.com for thetesting account name, password, and the Auth Code.-----------------------------------------------***How to use the iCloud-Push system***1)iCloud-Push Manager, is designed for the Administrator, to loginhis own account, and push the message to all the Android systemdevice. Currently, "iCloud-Push Manager" supports Apple's iOSsystem (iPhone & iPad) and Google's Android system (Mobile,Tablet). Besides, you can also login your account and push messagesby the website http://www.iCloudPush.com;2)iCoud-Push Client, is designed to receive the message, photo andvideo pushed from iCloud-Push servers groups. Currently,iCloud-Push Client only supports Android system, such as Androidtablet pc, mobile, TV, TV box, TV dongle and HDMI dongle.***Why you need "iCloud-Push system"?***The core function of iCloud-Push system includes 2 mainparts:1) Push and spread the message (message, photo, video, website andetc.) to the Android system device;2) To know how many end-users online, ie, to know how manyconsumers are using your products. Accordingly, it is very easy foryou to know if the consumer likes your products or not.***Commercial Examples***1) For the Advertising companies, he can set up his own advertisingnetworks quickly;2) For the companies selling Mobile and tablet pc, without extracost, they can set up his own advertising networks while they gainthe profit by selling mobile or tablet pc. The more quantity theysell, the faster the advertising networks forms, and the bigger theadvertising networks is;3) For the Brand customers, ex. PEPSI or Coca Cola, they candistributes Android mobile or Android tablet to all his agents asgift or premium, and push the messages to them afterwards;4) For the training company and educational school, they can assignworks to their students, and train them online;5) For the factories, trading company, shipping company and smallsize companies, they can push the instruction to their employeesanytime and anywhere.***Notices: In order to guarantee steady pushing service, we havesetup 3 groups of servers in USA, HK, China Mainland, to guarantee7*24hours hi-speed service.http://www.iCloudPush.com , email: iCloudPush01@gmail.com
mobile automatic inspector 1.04
NSmarket, Top app, iCloud Push
Do you want to know the real configuration ofyour smart mobile phone? Do you want to know how many cores of yourCPU? Do you have any bad experience that was cheated by someunreliable sellers? Inspected your mobile by "Android Master",without any special knowledge or any other tools, you are able toknow the ORIGINAL configuration which are BURNT in the differentcomponent, for example, the camera, the screen, the CPU, the ROM,the RAM, and so on.If you are reliable mobile factory or wholesaler, maybe you areworrying about the quality of your products. How to guarantee yourQC staff have really checked all the units one by one, and havechecked all the functions step by step? By traditional way, ie,manual checking, it is really takes too much time and too many QCstaff to do WHOLE-COMPLETELY INSPECTION. Now, "Android Master",offers you a very simple and reliable tools, which help you solveall these problems. Within 1 minute, 1 worker can finish all thetesting of 3~5pcs mobile phone.1st, "Android Master" is integrated with a preset inspectingSTEP-BY-STEP. This testing STEP-BY-STEP is OBLIGATORY, so nobodycan skip or omit a single inspection step. 2nd, the testing isautomatically, so the QC staff no need any inspection experience,or any pre-training. 3rd, the testing result is instantly displayedon the screen.P.S.:There are many android test in the market,ex. Antutu, 360 and soon. However, do you know, many of these Chinese software acceptmodification according to the phone factories's requirements tofake some the hardware parameters, after modified, the softwarewill only show you what these factories hope you see. So if youhappened to inspect the mobile by these software, you are not ableto know all the truth.In fact, Android master is OEM designed for several the specialinspecting company in the beginning, who use Android master toinspect the tablet and mobile for his customers. Now, after getagreements with those inspecting companies, we open the neutralversion for all the end users.